Beheer mijn website | website beheer & onderhoud

15+ years of experience
400+ clients
Available 7 days a week!

What Do We Mean By WordPress Maintenance

Keeping a WordPress site up-to-date takes a lot of time. We are there for you 7 days a week and ensure that your website performs optimally.

Website onderhoud & Beheer | Beheer mijn website Enschede
Up to date every month

Most WordPress hacks are due to the website not being updated. For a well-functioning website it is important that all elements are up-to-date.

Een veilige WordPress Website | Beheer mijn website Enschede
Beveiliging & Scans

A WordPress site is constantly faced with attacks from bots and hackers. We install an extra security package, so that your website is better protected.

Een snelle WordPress website bij Beheer mijn website
Minimum loading time

A slow website causes visitors to drop out quickly. We install the right speed plugins and also optimize all images for the fastest possible website.

Website support 7 dagen per week | Beheer mijn website
7 days a week support

If you have any questions about your WordPress site? Are you having problems and can't figure it out? We are ready to give you the support you need and that can help you with your problem.

Aanpassingen nodig op je WordPress website | Beheer mijn website

Want to place a piece of text or adjust a photo? We are happy to do it for you. We also make adjustments such as changing the logo, an image or color in no time

Premium plugins voor WordPress | Beheer mijn website
Premium plugins

Je profiteert van gratis premium plugins. Denk dan aan een snelheids plugin zodat de website lekker snel laadt. Een SEO plugin zodat de website geoptimaliseerd is voor Google en andere zoekmachines.

Why Website Maintenance?

Managing a website means not only taking care of the content and visitors, but also the maintenance of the website. Updates will need to be performed and functionality will need to be tested regularly. We understand that you prefer to focus on other things. That is why we can take the website maintenance off your hands. We specialize in this!

Hackers don't sleep!

Hackers are looking for websites that are not maintained day and night. These can be large, but just as well small websites. An unmaintained website is very easy to hack. If your website is hacked, the hackers gain access to all your personal data and that of your customers.


Not maintaining your website can also cause your website to no longer work properly. Certain elements of the website do not work, the website goes offline every now and then or the website becomes completely inaccessible. This costs your customers and turnover.

Website onderhoud & Beheer | Beheer mijn website Enschede

When we take care of the website maintenance, we ensure that everything runs smoothly every month. We perform the latest updates, ensure that security and privacy are in order and we test the website extensively. This way you are assured of the best functioning website without worries.

Maintaining a website is very important, but unfortunately it is very underestimated. Maintenance is often neglected. With all its consequences.

Which package suits you best?

WordPress maintenance package prices

the much needed
12,99 Monthly
  • Monthly terminable
  • Support by email
  • update theme & plugins
  • Monthly remote backups
  • Security Package
  • Speed Package
  • Website edits
  • Malware scans
  • Premium plugins
alles wat nodig is
27,99 Monthly
  • Monthly terminable
  • Ondersteuning per tel & mail
  • Updaten Theme & Plugins
  • Monthly remote backups
  • Security Package
  • Speed Package
  • Website edits (1 hour per month)
  • Malware scans
  • Premium plugins
net die ene stap meer
17,99 Monthly
  • Monthly terminable
  • Support by email
  • Updaten Theme & Plugins
  • Monthly remote backups
  • Security Package
  • Speed Package
  • Website edits
  • Malware scans
  • Premium plugins

Prijzen kunnen wat verschillen per website. De ene website is net weer wat groter dan de andere website en vereist wat meer werk.

Still some questions?
Vragen over website onderhoud & beheer? vraag het Beheer mijn website